Autor: Josip Ivanović (Zagreb, Hrvatska)Uvod
Specifičnost pojma politike jest u tome, što njen pojam u svakom smislu uporabe nailazi na različito razumijevanje, a da pritom ne dolazi puko do erodiranja...
Autorica: Mirjana Mikić ZeitounUvod:
(Obzirom da sam, kako to već svi moji prijatelji i poznanici dobro znaju, jako vezana za svoju obitelj, a slijedom posla koji dugo radim, i volim, dosta...
Autor: Aleksandar Sekulić (Beograd, Srbija)
Proces građenja nacija na Balkanskom poluostrvu, čini se, nikada ne prestaje, on uvek traje i u demokratski nedovoljno razvijenim, često ksenofobičnim društvima...
Autorica: Milica Miražić
Dopustila bih sebi ovom prilikom, uz izgovor ograničenog obima i sasvim slobodne zadate forme rada, nešto manje formalan, na momente možda čak i krajnje uprošten...
Give my regards to your uncle. Originally: Poselami amidžu. Very colloquial greeting, intentionally formulated from two Turkish words, to emphasize the familiarity of the speakers and their strong connection notwithstanding their jobs and the public. In purely semantical terms, a phrase Pozdravi strica (which would translate the same into English) might be used, but it would not have the same conspiratorial weight. By using colloquial discourse, the speakers distance themselves pointedly from the language of ubleha and thereby quite conciously confirm the essence of ubleha as an autoreferential non-identity. It is also worth mentioning whether an „amidža“ exists in the family in a sense of one's father's brother is irrelevant and that actually, in most cases, he does not exist at all; however, the greeting performs its function which a greeting Pozdravi strica could not perform at all and would perplex the speaker.
Korišten sa odobrenjem iz Ubleha za idiote od Nebojše Šavija-Valha i Ranka Milanović-Blank, ALBUM br. 20, 2004, Sarajevo.