Ugo Vlaisavljevic

alt Born in 1957, Ugo Vlaisavljevic is Full Professor of Philosophy at the University of Sarajevo, teaching Philosophy of language at the Philosophy and Sociology Department and Epistemology of Social Sciences at the Psychology Department. He has written widely on phenomenology, hermeneutics, post/structuralism, semiotics, and is currently a member of the editorial boards of the journals Dijalog (Sarajevo) and Transeuropeennes (Paris). He is the author of the following books published in his country: Ontology and Its Legacy (1995), The Phenomenological Constitution of the European Community (A Re-Reading of the Vienna Lecture) (1996), Writing. A Sketch for the Hydrography of Nusret Pasic, (1997), The Origin of Geometry and the Transcendental Phenomenology of History (2003), Lepoglava and University. Essays in Political Epistemology (2003), Merleau-Ponty’s semiotics of perception. The phenomenological Way into Deconstruction and Ethno-Political Constitutions (2004). Ethnopolitics and Citizenship (2006), War – the Greatest Cultural Event. A Contribution to Semiotics of Ethnonationalism (2007), The Domestication of Nationalism (2007). During the last two decades, he has written numerous articles, some of which written and published in English, French and German language:

Dr. Brian David Phillips

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Current Employment

alt Amnesty International, International Secretariat, London, 2007 – present

Consultant with the Policy Team - developing a new “Human Rights Policy Knowledge Base” for Amnesty’s research, campaigning and media staff.

Human Rights Tutor, Oxford Brookes University, Centre for Development and Emergency Practice (CENDEP), 2002 – present

Course Chair and Senior Lecturer in Human Rights Practice, MA in Humanitarian and Development Practice (2003 – 2006)

Responsibilities include course development and coordination, student recruitment, dissertation supervision, and pastoral care for students on Oxford Brookes University’s award-winning MA course (2001 Queen’s Anniversary Prize for Higher and Further Education).

Module Originator and Tutor - “Human Rights Law and Activism.”

Module Co-originator and Tutor - “Humanitarian and Human Rights Practice in Violent Conflict.”

Module Originator and Tutor - “Local Human Rights and Peacebuilding Practice in Bosnia-Herzegovina and Croatia.” Module includes a two and a half week field course in the region.

Originator and Coordinator of the Oxford Brookes University Human Rights Film Festival (including speakers’ programme featuring filmmakers and human rights activists from various NGOs and campaigning initiatives). Festival funders have included OXFAM and Working Title Films. Fourth annual festival to be held in March 2006. Partnership with Human Rights Office Tuzla in organising two Human Rights Film Festivals (the first in Bosnia-Herzegovina) in April 2004 and October 2005.

The Journal of Human Rights Practice,” published by Oxford University Press – launching March 2009

Co-editor of new inter-disciplinary journal devoted to human rights practice.

Tonci Ante Kuzmanic, born 1956, Vis, Croatia

I. Educational Record

BA, with highest distinction, Department of Political Science, Faculty of Social and Political Science and Journalism, University of Ljubljana, Slovenia, 1982.

MA, Department of Political Science, Faculty of Social and Political Science and Journalism, University of Ljubljana, 1992.

Ph.D. Faculty of Philosophy, Department of Sociology, University of Ljubljana, 1995.

Vlast Jalusic (1959 - )

I. Educational Record

Ph.D. in political theory, Grund und Integrativwissenschaftliche Fakultät, University of Vienna, Austria, 1996.

MA in cultural studies, Department of Sociology, Faculty of Arts, University of Ljubljana, Slovenia, 1991.

BA, with highest distinction, Department of Political Sciences, Faculty of Social, Political and Communicative Sciences, University of Ljubljana, 1982.


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