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Dear friends of the Peace Academy,

We have come to the time for a new phase here at the Peace Academy. Our plans are to focus in the next period on establishing a study of peacebuilding practice in divided societies building on our experience and work in BiH. Within this framework, we are exploring a summer academy for 2020.

We are also saying goodbye to Slobodanka Dekić, Nebojša Šavija-Valha, Tamara Šmidling, and Emina Trumić who have been dedicated colleagues for many years. The energy of this existing group to move the Peace Academy forward has been reduced by professional, activist, and personal engagements. A new board has been formed which is made up of Nejra Čengić, Amela Puljek-Shank, and Azra Smailkadić-Brkić, all of whom have been closely involved with the Peace Academy’s programs. Together we hope to give the Peace Academy renewed energy and focus but which remains true to the values and mission on which we were established.

We are always happy to hear from those of you who were participants and collaborators in our programs until now. Please let us know if you would like to be involved in this new phase in any way.

Randall Puljek-Shank



Ubleha for idiots

  • ASAP

    Engl. "As soon as possible". Verbatim, as a technical term, reflects the paradigmatic project situation: all planned deadlines have been exceeded. "Do not mention any dates lest it be discovered where it got stuck or who is responsible! We all try to speed things up and always have. There’s a fire lit under me but do not panic lest it would get even worse!“  This, to a large degree, also intends to transpose the responsibility to the person asked to do something ASAP because it implies that the sender of the message is more expedient and better organized than the recipient. (See: ACRONYMS in general).

from Ubleha for Idiots – An Absolutely non useful Guide for Civil Society Building and Project management for Locals and Internationals in BiH and Beyond by Nebojša Šavija-Valha and Ranko Milanovic-Blank, ALBUM No. 20, 2004, Sarajevo, translated by Marina Vasilj.